English version

255. “The RIGHT Photo” - Training

Data: 29/06/2010

NR.: 255

DATA: 29.06.2010


RICHIESTA PROVENIENTE DA: Mihaela Zacornea (Romania)


ARGOMENTO: Human rights, photographic art and active citizenship

PAESI PARTNER CHE HANNO GIÀ ADERITO: Estonia, Greece, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Portugal, Romania and Turkey

The projects approaches the themes of human rights, photographic art and active citizenship. EuroDEMOS is a Civic Attitude Association, specialized in the last 20 years of voluntary activity in forming opinion leaders by developing civic programmes at mass level and on target groups, of defending human rights, democratic values, European and sustainable development principles. The training “The RIGHT Photo” is approved and will be held in Iasi, Romania, on 7-18 July 2010 and will bring together 24 young people from 8 European countries. This call is for all the European Union states. The program of training will contain intercultural evenings, presentations, work-shops on photographic art, human rights and active citizenship, analyses and practical activities and of course visit to the important monuments of the town and around the town. At the project will come as guests specialists and qualified trainers.The project will offer to the participants the opportunity to explore human rights and to approach them from an artistic perspective, to make an intercultural exhange with young people form different countries, to contribute to the human rights promotion as active citizens and to learn and practice photographic art. At the end of the training EuroDEMOS Association will organize an international photo exhibition with the photos made by the participants. The opening of the photo exhibition will be made by an important representative of Council of Europe, special guest at this project.
The travel cost will be repaid up to 70% of the travel costs. Only the participants who attend the entire training course can be reimbursed.
Board and lodging will be provided by EuroDEMOS.

SCADENZA: 2th of July 2010

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