English version

014. “Overcoming Injustices and Exclusion - Training for trainers transformation Programme in South Eastern Europe” - Training Course

Data: 22/04/2013

NR.: 14

DATA: 22.04.2013

TITOLO PROGETTO: “Overcoming Injustices and Exclusion - Training for trainers transformation Programme in South Eastern Europe”

RICHIESTA PROVENIENTE DA: Cath Moss (Repubblica Ceca)

TIPOLOGIA: Altri programmi europei - Training Course

ARGOMENTO: To raise the awareness of young Roma women about their social right to improve their access to education, employment and health and social services.


Target group:
Young Roma women.
For participants from: Albania, Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Turkey, Ukraine (southern area).
Group size: 30 young women participants.
The main goals of the MICRO-PROJECTS are as follows:

• To develop the capacity in social justice and inclusion issues of key young women leaders and multipliers from the Roma community.
• To motivate and empower participants to design and implement social justice national and local projects.
• To raise the awareness of young Roma women about their social right to improve their access to education (formal and non-formal), employment and health and social services.
• To train young Roma women in peer education methodologies and programmes.
• To involve young Roma women with limited opportunities in international capacity building, inclusion, community development, organisational management and social justice programmes.
• To increase the effectiveness of Roma young women to interact and actively promote social justice and inclusive policies, programs, plans and projects.
The Project needs to be peer – lead and the focus can be in any of the following areas or combination of areas:
• Poverty and Unemployment;
• Education;
• Health and Access to medical Services and Support;
• Violence Against Young Roma Women;
• Young Roma Women’s Participation in Political and Public Life;
• Capacity Building, Leadership Training and Development of Youth Groups, Women’s Groups or NGO’s.
A minimum of 30 young women (between the ages of 18 – 32 years old) need to be involved in any given project. Projects must be managed by young Roma women.
The maximum grant allocation is up to 1000.00 EURO. Participants and the applying organisation need to make a contribution to the overall budget. The grant is paid in 2 instalments – 80 % one month before the start of the project and 20% after the receipt of the approved finance and narrative report along with photographs documenting the events and original receipts. In 2013 there will be 3 grants allocated. Approved Projects must submit a final narrative report, all original receipts, and final finance report signed by two members of the project. Funds can not be paid to an individual’s bank account only to a recognised organisation.
Working language: English.

SCADENZA: 12th of June 2013.

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