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altre informazioni 1

Data: 02/04/2014

• The European Democratic Citizenship Awards

Soon celebrating its 10th Anniversary, the ECF has decided to launch a “European Democratic citizenship Awards”, during the Open doors event at the European Parliament in Strasbourg on the 4th May.Wishing to highlight civic engagement in European democracy, the Prize will annually congratulate the work of those who innovate and impact community life at all levels of democracy. Divided into 4 categories, it will reward a citizens’ campaign, an association, a personality and a citizen media, which will all have proven innovative in improving debate about Europe and the feeling of ownership of its citizens.

Organized in collaboration with the Mairie de Strasbourg, the award ceremony will take place each year before the open day at the European Parliament in Starsbourg. Read more...

• Launching our Manifesto, with a little help from our Members

Our Manifesto “Equality, Solidarity, Democracy for Europe” is on the road! With help from our members, it has already been launched in Italy by J-R. Suesser, Romania, the UK and in Scotland, by Vladimir and Claudia at the CSV Talking Europe Debate. It has been shared members of civil society and also by Members of Parliament, European and other. Already translated into French, Italian and Spanish, it is eager to continue its route. You can read and support on our Manifesto page. As work in progress wanting to be fed by your reactions, you can also leave your comments. The debate will only be richer.

Read the latest translations in Italian and Spanish!

Support and Comment here!

News from the Network

• ARCI Congress, Bologna

600 members representing a million citizens passionately debated during 3 days (13-16 March), demanding a radical change in Europe’s economic policies, a reduced an restructured debt, the abolition of the Fiscal Compact Treaty, the modification of the ECB’s missions, ARCI calls for a European economy orientated to support employment and real economy. Jan Robert Suesser, ECF Vice President, was there to present the EYCA Recommendations and ECF Manifesto "Equality, Solidarity, Democracy for Europe".

• CSV, UK: “Talking Europe: EU citizenship in the context of social inclusion”

During these events, organized by CSV UK in Birmingham (07/03), Glasgow (24/03) and Belfast (27/03), with a wide panel of representatives of organised civil society and politicians, was discussed the question of what it means to have citizenship rights, and how these rights are used by citizens who have exercised their right to freedom of movement and residence in another Member State.

• Forum Permanent de la Société Civile. A New Deal For Europe. European Citizens' Initiative

With more than 26 million Europeans unemployed, past and present testify of the impossibility to continue tackling economic issues at national levels. This means, not only by each Member State independently, but moreover, even inter-governmental cooperation has shown its failures. The New deal for Europe calls for a “special plan for relaunching development”, within a federal system. Under Commission supervision, the plan for sustainable development will be “based on the realization of European infrastructures, on new technologies, on new energy sources, on the protection of the environment and cultural heritage, on cutting-edge research, on advanced education and professional training”. The initiative suggests financing the plan using new Union resources, such as a European tax on financial transactions. Supported by a wide coalition of political, economic and social actors, figures of the political scene such as M. Schulz, Guy Verhofstadt or Paolo Beni (ARCI), national committees have been set up in Belgium, France, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Luxemburg and the Czech Republic; others hope to be created soon. Read more...

So stay updated, the signatures will soon start being collected!

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