English version

European Voluntary Service - Call for volunteers (EN)

Data: 23/01/2009

Project title Call for volunteers, Denmark

Project title: Call for volunteers
- Organisation: Jammerbugt Ungdomsskole
- Project type: European Voluntary Service
- Country: Denmark
- Place: Brovst
- The project starts: 2009-8-1
- The project ends: 2010-8-1
- Deadline for applications: 2008-12-20
- Duration: 366
- Summary of the project: Jammerbugt Ungdomsskole is looking for a volunteer for each of the vacancies below:
- Volunteer to the international youth work
- Volunteers for the local youth clubs
- Volunteer for the smallest children

Sito web: http://www.youthforeurope.eu/uploads/Call%20for%20volunteers%202009.doc

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