English version

Volontario SVE in Francia

Data: 23/04/2011

The “Foyer Jean Thibierge” is very well experienced as host organisation. the organisation get more and more involved in Europe discovery, in particular with the creation of a Club Europe whcih is for the residents an opportunity to become familiar with the European diversity. The volunteer will have his own flat at the Foyer Jean Thibierge located in Saint-Brice Courcelles. He will have to repect some rules like quietness of others residents, tell the organisation in case of long absence and ask before inviting someone at home. Foyer Jean Thibierge is spread between two places. One is located in a small city in the suburb of Reims and the other is located in a neighbourhood of Reims. The first role expected from the volunteer is the support to the pedagogical pool of the the Foyer in order to helpe them to set up and run daily activities and workshops. He will take part to workshops corresponding to his self-interest and skills. However volunteer is not a medical or social professional worker, he will have rather a role accompanying and listening person for disabled people who live at the centre. Within this framework, he will take part to the socialization of disabled people who encounter usually exclusion situation.

He will accompany them in their personal and daily projects of social integration:

- The volunteer will accompany disabled people downtown in daily life situation and contacts making. Those outings will be followed and evaluated.
- The volunteer will go with disabled people to sport and social activity places.
- In friendly places like cafés, pub or stores.

As well as accomodation and food, the volunteer will benefit several support. He may use a bycicle and buses to move in the city. He can use a car to move from one place of the organisation to the other. He will follow French lessons. He will take advantage of the laundry service of the organisation.

Per candidarvi a questo progetto di servizio volontario europeo, scrivete una mail allegando curriculum e lettera di presentazione in inglese a [email protected] con oggetto: “evs Foyer Jean Thibierge”

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