English version

Servizio Volontario Europeo “Youth Information Centre” in Slovacchia

Data: 26/07/2011

Tipo progetto: Volontariato Long Term (12 mesi)
Nr. Volontari richiesti: 1
Età: 18-30 anni
Luogo: Humenné, Slovacchia
Data attività: Settembre 2011 – Agosto 2012
Tema: Attività presso il centro giovanile della città (che include anche ragazzi Rom)
Organizzazione partner: Youth Information Centre Humenné
Descrizione: Roma´s Youth Club is the creative club where children and especially young people can spend their spare time preparing and realising activities. Here youngsters can use computers and go on Internet, play table tennis, football table, watch tv, they can arrange project and activities and discuss together. This is a meeting point for youngsters INSIDE Roma´s village and for this reason making friendships and be involved in our community will be easier for volunteers.
The club is attended mostly by children and youngsters who live in disadvantaged situations: they are poor, they have problems with families and drunk parents, they have difficulties in learning and
are used to spend their free time in the streets without any help. Volunteers, together with workers, can talk with them trying to become friends for them, help to solve their problems, they can play
with them and after sometimes they can also help them with their homework. They can use their skills, hobbies and knowledges, according to their wishes, to enrich our centre and moreover they
can learn new abilities attending the activities of our organization. We organize many activities in Roma´s Youth Club: dancing courses (hip hop, break dance, Roma´s dance), musical courses (instruments lessons) English and informatics lessons, drawing. Volunteers will work in this Club from Tuesday until Friday, especially in the afternoon when the activities take place. During the weekends they can spend their time according to their own interests.
The volunteer’s role will consist of cooperating with workers and olunteers in the hosting organisation. Volunteers will work mostly in the office and Roma’s youth club but if he/she likes to take part in other activities in areas corresponding to his/her hobbies and interests it will be possible. We are open to discuss about the volunteers´ ideas and small projects.

Costi di partecipazione:
Vitto, alloggio, materiali e rimborso del 90% del costo di viaggio sono coperti dall’associazione ospitante grazie ai fondi della Comunità Europea (Programma “Gioventù in Azione”).
L’associazione Vicolocorto richiede il tesseramento annuale l’associazione di € 20.

Per candidarsi:
Vi invitiamo a leggere i requisiti indicati in ogni singolo bando e compilare la domanda di partecipazione, che potete scaricare dal sito www.vicolocorto.org alla voce modulistica inviandola all’indirizzo [email protected] entro la scadenza indicata dal bando, indicando nell’oggetto il nome del progetto per cui ci si candida.

Scadenza di presentazione delle domande: 19 agosto 2011, ore 13.

Sito web: www.vicolocorto.org

Email: [email protected]

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