English version

Volontario Sve in Austria

Data: 06/09/2011

Se avete dai 21 ai 30 anni e vi piacerebbe partecipare ad un progetto del Servizio Volontario Europeo in Austria questa potrebbe essere l'occasione giusta per voi.

Il progetto prevede di lavorare a stretto contatto con bambini e ragazzi disagiati, chiaramente supportati da educatori professionali del posto.
Di seguito riportiamo i dettagli del progetto.

Se siete interessati, inviate una vostra foto, il vostro cv (in inglese) e una lettera motivazione SPECIFICA (spiegando perchè fate domanda per questo progetto in particolare e perchè dovrebbero scegliere proprio voi), sempre in inglese, a [email protected].
CV e lettera motivazionale devono pervenire come due documenti separati, in file di testo (.doc/.docx o .pdf). Le candidature non complete non saranno prese in considerazione.


Per potersi candidare e avere Scambieuropei come Organizzazione di Invio è necessario essere tesserati con l'Associazione Scambieuropei. Se ancora non lo siete, ma siete fortemente motivati a aprtire per un progetto SVE, scriveteci per sapere come associarvi.
Il progetto partirà a febbraio 2012 e durerà 11 mesi.

Coordinating organisation:
Host: Gesellschaft für Steireische Kinderdörfer (2010-AT-45)
Location: Graz, Austria
Deadline: 17/09/2011
Start: 01/02/2012
End: 01/12/2012
Project description
The Children’s Village is a youth welfare institution who cares for children and youngsters as legal guardian. The target group of the Children’s Village are children and young people in a state of social need, who cannot live in their original family and are therefore sheltered in the Chidren’s Village by the youth welfare. Due to the children’s socialization conditions which are unfavourable to the development of the personality they are disadvantaged in many fields, such as personal development, integration in the school, ability to take part in group activities etc.
Around 40 children from 7-18 years coming from different provinces live in the Children's Village. The staff consists of professionals such as for example psychologists, teachers, social workers, youth workers, etc.
The Children's Village is located 5km out of Graz. 11ha ground with a wood and many sports facilities are part of the Children’s Viallge: swimming pool, football ground, volley ball ground, playground, artificial lawn for playing small-scale football or basketball etc. The Children's Village is surrounded by some detached houses. The nearest public transport is 2 minutes away.
The volunteer will live in a shared flat in Graz and take the public transport to go to the project. The working hours of the volunteer will mainly be in the afternoon.
The project is aimed to be a group EVS, 3 volunteers from different countries will be hosted.


• Support the daily activities of children together with the educators: educational support (accompaniment to school, homework help), support the maintenance of the environments (collaboration in organizing the home and help during lunch and dinner time).

• Organization and development of leisure activities: entertainment, games, sports, music sessions, visits to museums, etc. (all the creative ideas of the volunteers are greatly appreciated). The role of the volunteer mostly consists of introducing the intercultural aspect in the daily life of the children and young people. To a certain extent we also want him/her to act as a role model to open up a scenario for the future which transcends the borders of the municipality, of the well-known "comfort zone".

• The volunteer could take a supporting role in developing new perspectives for the future for the children/youngsters. The volunteer will bring new aspects into our daily life by contributing a foreign language (his/her mother's tongue) and his/her personal intercultural background, which will enrich the lives of the children and young people.

Basic requirement is the will of caring out activities with and for youngsters with a difficult family background. Volunteers should have an easy approach to children and young people and prove that they have neither fears nor prejudices in taking care of disadvantaged people. Due to the particular situation of the Children’s Village, where in general the young people cared for have economical, social and cultural problems, we are looking for a mature, responsible and tolerant volunteer. Volunteers who like to organise sportive and creative activities are highly welcome.
Due to the target group in the Children’s Village we prefer volunteers over 20 years.

Email: [email protected]

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