English version

Volontario SVE in Grecia

Data: 30/11/2011

La NGO HAI (Hellenic Association of Informatics) ha riaperto una call per due posti all'interno del proprio progetto SVE in Grecia dal titolo "Youth Life Jurnalism" (2011-GR-12).

Il progetto si terrà ad Atene a partire da Maggio 2012 (indicativamente il 5 maggio) per 8 mesi.
I volontari devono avere un buon livello di inglese.

Di seguito trovate i dettagli di questo progetto del Servizio Volontario Europeo.

Se siete interessati, inoltrateci la vostra candidatura inviandoci cv e motivation letter specifica (entrambi in inglese, due file di testo distinti) ed una vostra foto (formato immagine) a [email protected] indirizzo e-mail è protetto dallo spam bot. Abilita Javascript per vederlo. entro il 2 dicembre.

Vi ricordiamo che possiamo supportare in qualità di Organizzazione di Invio - e quindi accettare le candidature - solo se siete tesserati con l'Associazione Scambieuropei.

Se ancora non lo siete, potete farlo in qualunque momento contattandoci all'indirizzo mail che trovate sopra.

Il tesseramento effettuato adesso e per tutto il mese di dicembre sarà valido anche per il 2012.

Host Organization:

Hellenic Association of Informatics (H.A.I.) have base in the centre of the city of Athens that is situated in Southern Greece, with a population of approximately 5.000.000 people.

The activities of the volunteers are taking place in the area of Athens and their support cover all the Athens prefecture. H.A.I. experience with EVS, is in a very good level.

From 1998 work as send organization (in social, enviromental and culture programs),a also from 2006 host volunteers from E.U. and Mediteranenan countries, and in weekly base informs more than 10 young persons for EVS program (the briefing concerns so much the EVS also the Youth in Action in general). H.A.I members take part the last years very often in youth exchanges and other actions and are ready to offer time and help in this host program the young EVS volunteers.

Our motivation for this EVS proposal is the young persons be motivate to use new digital technological tools with productive and creative way.

All this in combination of learing in the exploitation of pictures (photos and particularly video) with the proportional s/w tools in which they will be educated and are practised. Concretely we focus in the learning (with seminars from our NGO) of s/w applications: Photoshop picture editing, Premier video editing and Sound assistant editing but also techniques of reception of photographs, recording and treatment video, direction and sound recording.

Afterwards all this will be used for the digital material production relative with the actions of young persons and particularly activities in Youth in action not only in our NGO but in the whole country and actions of other NGO's (volunteerism, expeditions, local actions, programs in Youth in action).

Project Description:

The young persons today grow having particular with all the digital technologies, particularly in the sector of digital photograph and video.

The extensive use of mobile telephones and other appliances make particularly easy the digital production and beloved for all the young persons.

At the same time the young persons move itself in multiple levels in their everyday life, claim, they fight, they are adapted in the puberty, in the everyday routine of society that them surrounds.
They imagine, they create, they dispute, they dream, they fall in love.

Digital world give this possibility.

Become tool of imagination and creativity of young persons and with ally the technology of picture can intervene, create, change.

At the same time the young persons seek their roots, their cultural identity and at the same time explore other cultures and ideas.

The living together, the search and the acceptance of different, the exchange, the experimentation are subjects that in the juvenile brain become acceptable and constitute daily experiences.

At the same time our NGO (and other NGO's in Greece) deal with action of volunteerism and activation of young persons, organise programs, plan volunteer EVS projects, draw youth meetings and events and they produce work in which they participate actively young persons, Greeks and foreigners.

Objective of our EVS project are the volunteers they function as "digital" authors and "journalists".

All this (mainly video but also photographs and accompanying texts) upload to free use in the Youtube and Facebook.

Objective of our EVS project are the young volunteers, they learn more about the digital productions but also to create in a digital world without limit.

They visit places, photograph persons and areas, educated, become photographers, video technicians, authors, artists, reporters in digital world for the other young people that act and participate, be multipliers for the results of the Youth in

Sito web: http://ec.europa.eu/youth/evs/aod/hei_form_en.cfm?EID=34000233601

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