English version

Launch of Eurypedia – the European Encyclopaedia on education sys­tems

Data: 25/01/2012

Based on a wiki technology and containing more than 5000 articles, its purpose is to provide the most accurate picture of the education systems and reforms in 38 European school and university systems, within the 33 countries participating in the EU's Lifelong Learning Programme (all 27 EU Member States as well as Croatia, Iceland, Liechten­stein, Norway, Switzerland and Turkey).

Articles are organised in 14 topics, including governance and the various education lev­els for children and adults. Political, economic and social background information for each country is also provided. Eurypedia is the continuation of a longstanding Eurydice tradition to provide comprehensive descriptions of education systems in Europe.

Sito web: https://webgate.ec.europa.eu/fpfis/mwikis/eurydice/

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