English version

Summer school in Germania

Data: 29/02/2012

Summer School on Behavioral Economics
University of Mainz - Germania

27–28 e 30–31 agosto 2012

The Department of Economics at the University of Mainz invites for a summer school in behavioral economics. On 27–28 and 30–31 August 2012 Jordi Brandts (Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona) and Dan Houser (George Mason University) will give a series of introductory and advanced lectures on a broad range of recent topics in behavioral, experimental, and emotional economics; on 29 August selected summer school participants will be able to present and discuss their own work in our international Research Workshop.

The participation fee is 400 EUR (accommodation for 5 nights, lectures and the workshop dinner). Fee waivers are available for a limited number of participants.

Scadenza: 30 April 2012

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