English version

Cercasi urgentemente volontari per corso "Jump in"

Data: 11/05/2012

L’Associazione Culturale Eufemia di Torino cerca urgentemente due partecipanti per “JUMP IN! Intercultural training - Corso di formazione sull'educazione non formale e l'educazione interculturale”.
Dati tecnici:
• dove: Budapest, Ungheria
• quando: 31 maggio- 5 giugno 2012
• chi: 4 ragazzi/e maggiorenni interessati all'educazione interculturale
• quanto: 180€. La quota include la tessera associativa, le spese di viaggio, vitto, alloggio e partecipazione alle attività
• viaggio: aereo + bus.
Objectives of the project: The basic objective of "Jump in!" is to offer intercultural non formal education for young people by exchanging of experiences and to follow the implementation. There are four objectives of the project. First, to collect and share innovative educational methods of intercultural non formal education for young people by relevant organizations. There are various intercultural activities and games known by young people, and it seems that they need to be refreshed. Second, to elaborate and implement a new training material that can be used in youth organizations in the participating countries. Usually each country has different experiences and methods unknown by other countries, and they can be combined together. Third, to train young head trainers for intercultural education in Budapest. This will be done by exchanging the role of head trainers. Fourth to do a pilot training locally and reflect on it during the evaluation process. This innovative element helps the sustainability of the project. The project contributes to the promotion of cultural diversity, participation of young people and inclusion of young people with fewer opportunities. It will focus on the issue of migration, intercultural dialogue and the fight against racism and xenophobia.

Per candidarsi chiedere, compilare e spedire subito la scheda d’iscrizione a [email protected] con oggetto “Ungheria da CaV MUOVERSI”

Fonte: Eurocultura

Email: [email protected]

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