English version

SVE - Polonia - 1 Mese - Disabilità

Data: 09/07/2012

The Social Help Center (Osrodek Pomocy Spolecznej) is situated in Bystrzyca Klodzka, a small community of about 10000 inhabitants in the South-West of Poland. Its aim is to offer a place for physically and mentally handicapped people as well as for elderly who have nobody who would take care of them during the day. The Center has about 40 regular guests, who can come there from 8 o' clock in the morning and can stay there until 8 pm. They receive regular meals and go through an occupational therapy involving cooking, sculpturing, painting, handicrafts, gardening, sewing, singing and making music. Some of the patients also go through a physical therapy.
The volunteer will help with the occupational therapy, assist the staff in accordance with his or her abilities. Furthermore, the volunteer will arrange together with staff of the center the free time for the people that come to the Center, take part in games and help to organize workshops. The EVS volunteer will not only give the people in the Center the chance to meet a person from a different country but also give them the attention they need. The volunteer will be in the Center six hours a day, five days a week. The center is also open on weekends and holidays, so from time to time the volunteer will also have to work in those times, getting a free weekday in turn. The volunteer will gain experience in social work and will also develop him/herself. This experience will also be very good for young people with less opportunities as they will be able to develop their own ideas and create an area which, when completed, they will leave a huge sense of self achievement and this will potentially motivate the young person do develop his/her own imagination and increase his/her confidence to take part in more activities, and this will be the time when the result of his/her stay here can be measured
Bystrzyca Klodzka (vicino Breslavia)
1 mese
Disabilità, arte e cultura, inclusione sociale
interesse per l’ambito, spirito di adattamento
1 Agosto 2012
10 Luglio 2012

Sito web: http://afsai.it/progetti/volontario/polonia-e-disabilit%C3%A0

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