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Volontario SVE in Germania

Data: 19/12/2012

Il Consorzio Solidarietà Sociale Forlì-Cesena segnala il seguente progetto SVE ricevuto dal proprio partner a Stoccarda, Germania:

We would like to bring to your attention a new vacancy for an EVS volunteer to work with us at Jugendwerk der AWO in Stuttgart, Germany, for a period of 12 months starting in October 2013.

More info about our project and a link to the application form can be found at: www.youthnetworks.eu/ShowVacancy.aspx?Vacancy=vacancy-for-evs-volunteer-in-germany-29970

Please could you forward this information to any interested volunteers at your organisation and ask them to send us the filled out application form along with their CV and motivation letter, no later than 14th January 2013. We plan to apply for the 1st February EVS deadline.

Per informazioni scrivere a Franziska Marquardt [email protected]

Fonte: Eurocultura.

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