English version

Call for trainers: Publication on the "Contribution of youth work (non-formal learning) to fostering entrepreneurial learning among young people"

Data: 19/12/2012

Call for trainers: Publication on the "Contribution of youth work (non-formal learning) to fostering entrepreneurial learning among young people" - SALTO Participation - Deadline January 28th 2013 (before 12 pm Brussels time)

SALTO Participation is looking for the following trainers: 1 Publication Coordinator

Desciption: Publication on the “Contribution of youth work (non-formal learning) to fostering entrepreneurial learning among young people”

Why a publication on the contribution of youth work (non-formal learning) to fostering entrepreneurial learning among young people?

Youth work can help give young people a space for personal and professional development and enable them to play an active part in society. It helps them to develop entrepreneurial skills that are important in their daily lives, in the work place, and that can enable them to establish a social or a commercial activity.
The ‘Youth in Action’ European programme features a range of measures, in particular “Youth initiatives”, which stimulate young people’s spirit of initiative, creativity and entrepreneurship. ‘Youth in Action’ activities prepare young people to be active, responsible, enterprising individuals by immersing them in real learning experiences, where they can plan and manage projects, adapt to changes, deal with risk, and acquire problem-solving skills. They also offer an excellent opportunity for promoting social entrepreneurship.
SALTO Participation considers however that the concept of entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial learning needs to be explored and the contribution of youth work (non-formal learning) is not sufficiently visible and promoted. There needs to be more awareness of the potential of ‘Youth in Action ‘projects in stimulating the sense of initiative, creativity and entrepreneurship that help to increase young people’s chances in the competitive labour market — which nowadays requires more than a formal education background and vocational experience. SALTO Participation therefore sees a need for a publication raising all the above aspects.

Main aims of the publication:
• Exploring/explaining the concept of ‘entrepreneurship’/‘entrepreneurial learning’ and its connection to youth work (non-formal learning) and the ‘Youth in Action’ programme;
• assessing the role that youth work (non-formal learning) can play in fostering the entrepreneurial skills of young people (opportunities, limitations);
• reflecting on the added-value of cross-sectoral cooperation (formal education, non-formal learning and the business sector, public institutions) in the field of entrepreneurial learning for young people in order to identify future opportunities for action;
• providing resources (methods, tips, best practices, research) that youth leaders/workers across Europe can use to support/coach young people in running their youth projects (and setting up their own social or economic activities as a follow-up);
• exploring the concept of social entrepreneurship in youth work (non-formal learning);
• offering case studies/best practices of entrepreneurial learning/youth entrepreneurship;
• raising awareness of the importance of involving the non-formal learning sector in the policy-making process related to entrepreneurial education.

The publication will be a compilation of different points of view (contributions from different experts and practitioners) in order to give a clear overview of the subject. It is also meant to be a practical guide with best practices, advice and educational methods to be used by youth workers.
There will also be an executive summary.

Requested trainer profile

We are looking for a coordinator/editor who fits the following criteria:
• knowledge of (and experience in) non-formal learning and the youth sector, and youth entrepreneurial learning — preferably in different European countries;
• experience with analysing research findings, summarising and drawing conclusions based on the findings;
• access to information sources and networks that can provide (international) data and information in the field of entrepreneurial education;
• excellent and youth-friendly drafting skills in English.

We are not necessarily looking for a researcher, but rather someone who knows the youth field and has experience in youth entrepreneurial learning and access to relevant information. Organisations are also invited to apply (but need to specify precisely who will be working on this publication).

The coordinator/editor will be responsible for researching and gathering information on the subject and for building a coherent structure. He/she will have to contact and cooperate with various players in the youth, education and business fields, as well as with researchers and policy-makers, and include their contributions in the publication.

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