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ESN Newsletter 05/2013

Data: 06/03/2013

ESN Newsletter 05/2013

The latest newsletter online at http://esn.org/newsletter/

In this release, find among others the topics:

• Section in the Spotlight March 2013

March has arrived, spring is slowly taking over and ESN has a new Section in the Spotlight. For the second time this year, the winner comes from ESN Czech Republic: ISC MU Brno. As a former Starlight section from AGM Istanbul 2010, there is no doubt that ISC MU Brno is more than capable & worthy of being elected Section in the Spotlight. After all, the member base already offers some impressive numbers: around 250 local tutors, 50 regular active ESN members and on top of that 9 members of the Board. Together they make sure not a day goes by without at least one ESN event. Literally!!!.

• Erasmus Impact Study coming soon
ESN, together with CHE Consult (DE), Brussels Education Services (BE) and the Compostela Group of Universities (ES), will carry out an impact study on the Erasmus programmes launched by the European Commission in 2012. The consortium led by CHE Consult will conduct a comprehensive study investigating on the impact of the Erasmus programme on students, staff, institutions and business. It is for the first time that ESN AISBL is part of a consortium that won a bid for a public EU tender. Read more here.

In the future also find this newsletter online at http://www.esn.org/newsletter/index_20130301.html

You can always find the latest newsletter at http://esn.org/newsletter and the archive at http://esn.org/newsletters

And don't forget, you can always find the latest news and information by visiting our website - www.esn.org

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Erasmus Student Network AISBL
Rue Hydraulique/Waterkrachtstraat, 15
B1210, Brussels, Belgium
Tel.: +32 2 256 74 27

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