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altre informazioni 2

Data: 02/04/2014

• Democracy International. Democratic Europe Now Project

One of our German members, Democracy International, has entered into 2014 with a brand-new project all aimed at making Europe more democratic, and now. Concerned by “the serious divide between the message and political reality”, the project calls “for an EU Convention to consider proposals to strengthen citizen participation and democracy in the EU”, that could be submitted to a wide-European referendum. Member State nationals have been European citizens since 1992, and yet, they have (almost and except for some) never been consulted before the adoption of a new Treaty. So to enhance the legitimacy of the EU in general, the project imagines including to the Convention representatives of civil society, social partners, or even directly elected citizens. This original method would result in enhancing both democracy and transparency in the EU integration process, and hopefully inspire Treaty revisions in the future. Read more...

On 17th May will be held the European ‘Democracy Day’ , during which you can show your support!

• Community Development Institute – Macedonia : EIDHR supported program in regards to inter-ethnic relations

The CDI based in Tetovo, west of Skopje has recently presented its Bona Mente project, supported by the EU Commission’s European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights program (EIDHR in EUROPEAID) in regards to inter-ethnic relations. Aside from the two largest communities of Macedonians and Albanians, the Republic of Macedonia also hosts Roma, Turkish, Serbian, Vlach, Bosniak and even smaller ethnic communities, but who are underrepresented or even unrepresented in local decision-making. By including them in the decision-making process at local level, thus joining them in a political community, this initiative will contribute to pacifying community relations. Read more....

News from the Institutions

• Edward Snowden heard the European Parliament

In the context of the EU-US negociations on the controversial transatlantic trade agreement and the general debate on data protection, the famous former NSA consultant was invited to testify before the European Parliament. After explaining the methods used by the NSA, he urges members of the European Parliament to take action against the development of mass surveillance which "endangers a number of basic rights which, in aggregate, constitute the foundation of liberal societies. On 12th march, MEPs adopted a report demanding the EU to suspend bank data privacy agreements with the USA, so long as the US cannot prove they respect citizens’ fundamental rights. If this condition is not fulfilled, the Parliament threatens to oppose its vote to the Transatlantic Trade Agreement currently in discussion, and dear to many. Read more...

• Two resolutions adopted by the European Parliament following up the Troika investigation

On the 13th March, two resolutions were adopted by a strong majority of EUP representatives in plenary session, following up the investigation by MEPs on Troika's management of the crisis. The EUP recommends in its first resolution to adopt clear, transparent and binding rules of procedure regulating the functioning of Troika institutions, and most of all, the distribution of tasks between them. It also recommends future adjustment programs to provide a "plan B". The second resolution focuses on the social dimension of crisis solving, more specifically on employment. Both recommend the existing measures to be revised as soon as possible, and urge the Union to actively work for the restoration of social protection standards. Read more...

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