English version

Campi di volontariato in Francia

Data: 14/07/2014


A causa di una cancellazione dell'ultimissimo minuto, si è liberato un posto per il Campo U14 in Francia dal 15 al 31 luglio.
La partecipazione a questo campo è particolarmente vantaggiosa perché non è prevista quota di iscrizione (solo 30 euro per la copertura assicurativa) e il 50% del viaggio è rimborsato (fino ad un massimo di 200 euro).

L'aeroporto di riferimento è Lione. L'alloggio al campo è in tenda (fornita dagli organizzatori locali).

U14 Thiers- La valle des Rouets 15/07/2014 - 31/07/2014 envi/reno 18 â?? 25 12 places

The project : You want to share a great intercultural exchange ? You want to restore natural and build heritage ? You are ready to learn more and raise awareness about environmental protection ? Don't hesitate and just take a trip to Thiers ! During two weeks, you will help restore natural and built heritage along a lovely valley. The town of Thiers is hosting a workcamps for the second year, and this year again you will be share the works and daily life with a team of local volunteers from the town.

Work : You will restore the Valle des Rouets (valley of the spinning wheels), which has been damaged during a big storm. you will mainly help to restore built heritage there, water mills, and hep to preserve some of the natural heritage too.

Activities : On your arrival, leaders will propose several activities; your ideas are welcomed and everything can be discussed. So be imaginative, the workcamp is a place for having fun! We donâ??t expect you to do activities on your own, you will live an experience in a group!

Location : The workcamp will take place in the city of Thiers, French capital for Knife making. Its long knife-making history makes it a town with a lot of industial heritage and especially along the Vallée des Rouets (Valley of the spinning wheels). With about 12000 inhabitants, it is located in the Puy de Dome departement, in Auvergne region, about 40km from Clermont-Ferrand. Numerous walks and hikes are possible to discover its beautiful environment.

Accommodation : You will install  tents at the nautic station Iloa, lovely place at 10minutes by car from the workcamp. Iloa is well known for its lake, its leisure spaces, sports fields, perfect to share joyful moments full of meening!

InformaGiovani placement team
Ass.ne InformaGiovani - Campidivolontariato.org

Quindi, se ti interessa il progetto, fai una verifica dei costi e tempi di viaggio (devi arrivare a Lione entro le 17 di giorno 15) ed eventualmente compila la domanda di partecipazione che trovi al link

Per informazioni tel. 338.1728439

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