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Study in Germany. Scholarship gives 1300 euros monthly. for students from Developing Countries. OPEN CALL

Data: 24/07/2014

Applications are invited for Rave Scholarships available for young curators, restorers, museum technicians and cultural managers from a country in transition or a developing country. Scholarships will be awarded for further practical training or non-paid work in realizing and arranging fine art exhibitions at a museum at a non-commercial gallery or at a non-commercial cultural institution in Germany. Applicants must be younger than 40 years old and must no longer be studying or involved in on-the-job training. The application date is 15 September each year.

Study Subject(s): Scholarships are awarded for practical further education in realizing and arranging fine art exhibitions.

Course Level: Scholarships support further practical training or non-paid work for young curators, restorers, museum technicians and cultural managers at a museum, at a non-commercial gallery or at a non-commercial cultural institution in Germany.

Scholarship Provider: Alexander Rave Foundation

Scholarship can be taken at: Germany

• Applicant must be from a country in transition or a developing country and must still be living there
• Hitherto no opportunity yet to work in Germany for an extended period of time
• Completion of professional study or training within the last five years
• Younger than 40 years old
• Applicant must no longer be studying or involved in on-the-job training
• Confirmation (in German) from a partner institution in Germany which has agreed to take on the scholar or initiate a joint project
• A reference from the applicant’s country of origin
• Knowledge of either German or English, basic knowledge of German expected
• Applicants who were rejected once cannot re-apply.

Scholarship Open for Students of Following Countries: Applicants from a country in transition or a developing country are eligible for these Rave Scholarships.

Scholarship Description: Rave Scholarships support further practical training for young curators, restorers, museum technicians and cultural managers from countries in transition and developing countries.

Duration of award(s): Scholarships will be awarded for a period of three to six months.

What does it cover?
• A monthly lump sum of 1,300 euros for a scholarship period of three to six months
• Travelling expenses (to and from Germany)
• Supplement for attendence of spouse in Germany
• Children’s supplement
• Health insurance (also for spouse and children)
• German course (participation in a language course is expected)
Notification: Selections will be made within 3 months. Applicants will be informed in writing about whether their application was successful or not. No reasons will be given for the committee’s decision.
How to Apply: Applications may be sent via e-mail or post. The application should be accompanied by
• a fully completed application form
• a CV (3 pages max.), including educational qualifications
• a project sketch (1 page) developed together with the German institution
• informing about tasks and responsibilities of the planned visit to Germany
• consent form a non-commercial German institution to care for the applicant during the scholarship period in Germany
• a letter of reference from the home country
• an abridged report (1 page max.) on the current art scene in the home country

Scholarship Application Deadline: The application date is 15 September each year.


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