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Invitation to CB4LLP International Conference in Athens, 18th September 2014

Data: 31/07/2014

Capacity Building for Lifelong Learning promotes local and institutional development strategies based on innovative methodologies focused on the exploitation of successful initiatives and tools developed at European level within the framework of the Lifelong Learning Programme.

The conference provides decision makers, local development agencies and professionals with the opportunity to meet each other, discuss around existing challenges, strategies and solutions adopted.

The conference is focused around key policy areas, which are analysed from different perspectives and by multi level actors:
Skills shortages
Early school leaving and NEETs
Innovation in education
Local development within macro-regions

The conference promotes synergies and exchange of experiences among capacity builders, professionals and decision makers around these key policy areas, ensuring tangible benefits in terms of:

Benchmarking successful initiatives and support to strategic planning for decision makers

Sharing resources, methodologies, tools and solutions for practitioners

The conference promotes capacity building and the adoption of Lifelong Learning Programme projects and results into social and economic development strategies at different and complementary dimensions:

1. Individuals
2. Organizations
3. Legal framework

Capacity Building for Lifelong Learning Programme is supported by the Executive Agency for Education and Culture of the European Commission under the Lifelong Learning Programme.

Registration form
Download the Programme

Are you a Capacity Builder and you have implemented relevant initiatives which could be shared internationally? get your free CB4LLP membership subscription and fill our projects bank with your idea to win an invitation all inclusive to Athens at CB4LLP International Conference from the 16th to the 19th September 2014.

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