English version

Don't Trash Your Future. Scambio Interculturale in Turchia su natura e raccolta differenziata dal 15 al 21 Febbraio

Data: 08/01/2015

L'associazione Scambieuropei è alla ricerca di 5 partecipanti per un progetto di scambio interculturale che si terrà dal 15 al 21 Febbraio 2015 in Turchia ( a Gümüshane ).

Destinatari: 5 partecipanti per nazione (18-26 anni e 1 group leader over 18, no limiti di età)

Lingua del progetto: Inglese, RICHIESTA BUONA CONOSCENZA

Paesi partner: Bulgaria, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Poland, Romania, and Turkey

Descrizione del progetto:
The activities is to discover, protect and improve nature, to bring different viewpoints on overcoming these problems and to develop young people's awareness of environmental issues in the context of sports.
Within the context of the project, participants will take informal education about plant a tree and recycle of waste and water and carbon footprint.
Also, they will do an activity as a collecting rubbish, to draw attention to environmental problems.

During the project cultural nights, trips to the surrounding area, varied workshops and sports activities were also included in the program of the project's activities.
The working language of the project will be in English.

The main themes are nature, sports, culture and European awareness. They will clean nature, build the bird nest and will plant a tree that will be open to the public and will be announced in our city. The participants will introduce nature and environmental issues their countries, they will be informed about recycle, they discover nature trekking.
In addition to these activities will provide European awareness and cultural learning will go on in our project.

Serata interculturale:
Every day there will be a cultural evening, which means that each country group will present its culture!
The presentations should not be “lectures” or an official advertisement of the country that you will present. Try to be creative and innovative, present your culture in an uncommon way which will attract the interest of the participants.
Bring songs, stories, videos, food, drinks, games or anything which inspires you. The presentation should last minimum one hour which means that you have plenty of time to show the most important aspects of your culture to the other participants (theatrical performance, dance, singing songs, showing movies or short films etc.)
You are also encouraged to bring some food or snacks typical of your country which will be hard to find here in Turkey!

Condizioni economiche:
• Vitto (colazione-pranzo e cena) e alloggio sono coperti al 100% dall’associazione.
• I trasporti acquistati dai partecipanti verranno rimborsati a fine progetto al 100% su un massimale di spesa di 170 euro. Spese superiori saranno a carico del partecipante (la percentuale è calcolata sempre sul quel massimale)
• Quota di partecipazione 75 euro di cui 40 euro per il tesseramento Scambieuropei 2015 e 35 come quota di partecipazione

La quota va pagata SOLO dopo essere stati selezionati . Il group leader dovrà pagare solo il Tesseramento, qualora non già socio 2014 dell'associazione Scambieuropei

Scadenza per la presentazione delle candidature 25 Gennaio 2015

Per candidarsi, inviare cv in italiano o inglese e qualche riga motivazionale in italiano o inglese attaverso il form

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