English version

Volontari SVE in a Malaga, Spagna

Data: 20/02/2015

Santa Maria De Los Angeles call of EVS (Malaga, Spain)

We inform you that we are looking for 3 motivated EVS for Asociación Plataforma de alumnos de Santa María de los Ángeles.

Basic Info
Venue: Málaga (Spain)
Start: September 2015
End: June 2016
How long?: 10 Months
Number of Vacancies: 3
Deadline to apply: 18th of MARCH
HEI REF: 2012-ES-6

Selection process
Anyone interested may read the info below, fill in the online application form and attach their CV and motivation letter (in English or Spanish) before the 18th of March. We will select candidates for interviews and inform them no later than the 10th of April. The interviews will be held on skype the 13th of April.

Info and online application form
The volunteer project covers three main work areas: social and cultural activities, linguistic exchange and cultural exchange. All this is based on the joint commitment with the environment and community. The framework educates the youth as participatory and creative individuals, in the broader construction of the non-violent, just, equal and respecting human rights society. In addition, the objectives are to promote and integrate the value of interculturalism, appreciation and respect for diversity, raise environmental values and adopt attitudes that promote sustainable development.

This project is carried out at the headquarters of the Association “Platform of the Students of Santa Maria de los Angeles”, located in the centre for secondary education Santa Maria de los Angeles in the city of Malaga. This city is situated in the Southern Spain in the autonomous community of Andalusia. It is a cosmopolite coastal city of a warm climate and has an important cultural diversity. Our Association is founded for the youth who come from different social classes, cultures and geographical locations. Our area of influence extends to the Carranque region, an area with a middle low socio-economic level, and where our Association has an important influence, both by its openness and by the activities it promotes.

The hosting organisation wants to take the European reality in its classrooms and they think the best way to do that is having volunteers from different countries .The volunteers will become a point of reference for the students who will realise that living and working abroad as a volunteer is a great opportunity. Moreover, the volunteers will show the European diversity and how rich it is.

Finally, the volunteers will have some specific tasks such as:
• to do presentations about the country and the culture;
• to give non formal English lessons to students and organize English conversation groups with teachers;
• to collaborate with DACE (Departamento de Actividades Culturales y Extraescolares) about cultural activities;
• to update social networks such as school blog, web-site, grouply, picasaweb album, facebook, tuenti etc.;
• to organize some workshops for students to develop international partnerships: Erasmus, Leonardo, Juventud en Acción, etc.

We offer volunteers the following:
• Free Spanish language classes (Language and Culture), 1 ½ hours twice a week, given by a qualified volunteer, at an agreed time.
• Gain experience in useful skills for their professional future. The EVS provides skills and experiences, increases job possibilities and gives the chance of doing different works, so a choice is possible.
• Learn new skills. The EVS enables new challenges, know new people, new perspectives and ways of living which may encourage volunteers to reconsider their world perspectives.

We expect volunteers to participate in:
1. the cultural activities organized by the Plataforma de Alumnos
2. the coordination of international activities
3. the workshops or excursions organized by the Association
4. some community and local events
5. English Club in the Association
6. Intercultural exchange Meetings
7. Youth Information Point

The profile of volunteers will be in accordance with the following personal and social skills:
• Motivation and interest for this type of volunteering project.
• Ability to adapt to different cultural and social environments.
• Commitment and responsibility to the objectives of the project

• Be able to work and animate a group.
• Good communication and leadership skills.
• Initiative.
• Empathy.

For this process, we will develop a form of skills and attitudes that will guide us throughout the process, and help us as a tool for the selection of candidates. We also plan to conduct telephone interviews with the volunteers in order to get to know them better, and equally for them to know us.

We do not have any kind of preference regarding the sending entity.
In the Association there are a total of 15 volunteers, while the Center houses approximately 350 students.

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