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ESN Newsletter n° 03/2015

Data: 01/04/2015

ESN Newsletter n° 03/2015

Check our latest ESN Newsletter!

In this release you can find, among others, these topics:

• The ESN TEAM Competition - Meet Our Sports Champions

Between the 26th and the 29th of March ESN Poland and ESN Italy organized the ESN TEAM competition, the international sports tournament dedicated to the ESN volunteers and the Erasmus+ students. During the competition, representatives from around Europe played against each other sports such as: futsal, basketball and volleyball.

• ESN at EU Youth Conference Riga
The EU Youth Conference took place between the 26th and the 29th of March in the capital of Latvia, Riga. For 3 days youth representatives and policy-makers from all around Europe gathered to discuss more about the situation of youth empowerment regarding the youth political participation. The recommendations will be put for discussion at the high-level Policy Debate with the 28 EU Youth Ministers who will give their feedback on the policy proposals.

• Supporting Learning Mobility: ­Reaction on the Declaration by the EU Education Ministers
The European Union Education Ministers recently declared its support towards promoting citizenship and the common values of freedom, tolerance and non­discrimination through education. Given this support, ESN, through a former press release is welcoming the declaration, not only because of the values it outlines, but also due to the joint commitment expressed by the European Commission and the Member States.

Erasmus Student Network AISBL
Rue Hydraulique/Waterkrachtstraat, 15
B1210, Brussels, Belgium
Tel.: +32 2 256 74 27

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