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BANDO - Aggiornamento bandi EuropeAid (Aprile 2015)

Data: 07/04/2015

Torna l’aggiornamento sui bandi paese aperti presso EuropeAid suddivisi per programma. Si tratta di bandi del programma European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights (EIDHR) e di quello dedicato alle Organizzazioni della società civile e Autorità locali. Nel dettaglio quali sono i bandi aperti alla data odierna.

European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights – EIDHR 2014-2020

- IEDDH CBSS 2014-2015 Moçambique
ID: EuropeAid/136792/DD/ACT/MZ
Budget: 1.800.000 EUR
Scadenza: 20/04/2015

Brasile - Instrumento Europeu para a Promoção da Democracia e dos Direitos Humanos (IEDDH)
ID: EuropeAid/150064/DD/ACT/BR
Budget: 1.000.000 EUR
Scadenza: 22/04/2015

Kenya - European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights (EIDHR) – Country-based Support Schemes
ID: EuropeAid/150062/DD/ACT/KE
Budget: 1.960.000 EUR
Scadenza: 27/04/2015

Repubblica dominicana - Instrumento Europeo de Democracia y Derechos Humanos – República Dominicana
ID: EuropeAid/136808/DD/ACT/DO
Budget: 800.000 EUR
Scadenza: 08/05/2015

Cambogia - Combined call with CSOs/LAs and EIDHR CBSS- Cambodia (See documents uploaded under call EuropeAid/136724/DD/ACT/KH for both Programmes, Non-State Actors&Local Authorities and Human Rights)
ID: EuropeAid/136706/DD/ACT/KH
Budget: 7.800.000 EUR
Scadenza: 08/05/2015

Etiopia - Country-Based Support Scheme( CBSS) in Ethiopia
ID: EuropeAid/136805/DD/ACT/ET
Budget: 900.000 EUR
Scadenza: 11/05/2015

Zambia - Zambia – Country Based Support Scheme (CBSS) – Supporting civil society to protect the rights of prisoners
ID: EuropeAid/136891/DD/ACT/ZM
Budget: 1.200.000 EUR
Scadenza: 11/05/2015

Russia - European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights – Country based support scheme for Russia
ID: EuropeAid/150068/DH/ACT/RU
Budget: 2.900.000 EUR
Scadenza: 12/05/2015

Costa Rica - Instrumento Europeo para la Democracia y los Derechos Humanos, CBSS Convocatoria Costa Rica 2015
ID: EuropeAid/136501/DD/ACT/CR
Budget: 600.000 EUR
Scadenza: 18/05/2015

Pakistan - Pakistan CBSS – constitutional literacy and equal citizenship
ID: EuropeAid/136849/DD/ACT/PK
Budget: 1.620.000 EUR
Scadenza: 18/05/2015

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