English version

Corso di formazione in Georgia

Data: 09/04/2015

Corso di formazione in Georgia: “Building Peace Together Through Remembrance”

Luogo: Kobuleti, Georgia.
Date del progetto: 6- 14 Giugno 2015.
Nr. Partecipanti: 24 partecipanti di cui 4 italiani/e.
Età: 18+.
Tema: peace-building e risoluzione dei conflitti.

Descrizione: Peace-building and conflict transformation are increasingly popular concepts in local and international youth work, particularly in post-violent settings in Eastern and South Eastern Europe, but adapted concepts also gain ground addressing community conflicts in Western Europe. Most of the approaches in use focus on people-to-people approaches bringing young people from conflicting communities together. However, they often do not address directly the violent past and the resulting deeply rooted negative imagines towards the other conflict party.
On the contrary, approaches to reconciliation and dealing with the past do particularly focus on this. The emphasis of reconciliation work is in creating space for changing and re-defining relationships of conflicting parties in a dynamic and adaptive process aimed at building and healing (Lederach 2001). Thus, reconciliation is a deep and wide process that focuses on all people directly or indirectly affected by current or past conflicts questioning attitudes and negative stereotypes about the “enemy” and believes about our history and the role we took/ take in the conflict.
By introducing the concept of reconciliation and dealing with the past to youth based organisations who by now are not familiar with both aspects of peace-building processes, the project aims to contribute to sharing practises in the sphere of youth work and to raise awareness for the diverse nature youth work can take particularly in the challenging field of conflict transformation.

Adesioni: Per aderire è necessario inviare all’indirizzo [email protected] la domanda di partecipazione che potete scaricare dal sito www.vicolocorto.org alla voce Modulistica.

Costi: Il progetto è finanziato da fondi dell’Unione Europea volti a coprire vitto e alloggio, un contributo per le spese di viaggio calcolato in base al chilometraggio.

L’associazione Vicolocorto richiede la quota di partecipazione di € 35 ed il tesseramento annuale di € 25.

La scadenza per aderire è Mercoledì 29 Aprile ore 12.

Per ulteriori informazioni potete consultare il seguente link.

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