English version

Corso di formazione: “THE ESSENCE OF EXPERIENCE”

Data: 18/06/2015

L’associazione Vicolocorto segnala il seguente Corso di formazione: “THE ESSENCE OF EXPERIENCE” in Ungheria.

Luogo: Galyateto, Ungheria

Date del progetto: 30 Settembre - 11 Ottobre 2015

Nr. Partecipanti: 27 partecipanti di cui 3 italiani/e

Età: 18+

Tema: lavoro con giovani con minori opportunità

THE ESSENCE OF EXPERIENCE is a 10 days long outdoor training course, designed for trainers, social and youth workers to help them develop in their daily routine during working with normal and disadvantaged groups and to get new understandings and insights about different methodologies and their use on filed. The TEE will provide many experiential educational self and group experiences what would help to get better understanding in the theme and it will introduce Solution Focused methods as a possible tool to handle communicational and other difficulties. The training not just would extend knowledge of participants, but offer space for practical and methodical presentations, active practice, creating own projects, exchange ideas, views and experiences in order to make them even more effective within their own community. Innovative element of the training is, that in the 3 part 20 underpriviliged youngsters are coming to have their 2 days long adventure camp, so the participants will have the opportunity to implement their fresh experiences immediately into practice.

Tools are: Experiential education, ropes activities, theoretical lectures and practical education, workshops and self experience, solution focused technics, project management.

Themes are: Communication skills, conflict management, planning and running of complex outdoor activities/programs, how to use experiential education, self knowledge – self understanding, planning own project can be implement locally, how to deal with disadvantaged groops and their difficulties in communication and social inclusion, social inclusion and equality

Adesioni: Per aderire è necessario inviare all’indirizzo [email protected] la domanda di partecipazione che potete scaricare dal sito www.vicolocorto.org alla voce Modulistica.

Costi: Il progetto è finanziato da fondi dell’Unione Europea volti a coprire vitto e alloggio, un contributo per le spese di viaggio calcolato in base al chilometraggio.
L’associazione Vicolocorto richiede la quota di partecipazione di € 35 ed il tesseramento annuale di € 25.

La scadenza per aderire è Mercoledì 15 Luglio ore 13.

Per ulteriori informazioni potete consultare il seguente link.

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