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ESN Newsletter no. 06/2015

Data: 01/07/2015

ESN Newsletter no. 06/2015

Check our latest ESN Newsletter!

In this release you can find, among others, these topics:

• ESN and Pernod Ricard: Partnership Renewal

Erasmus Student Network and Pernod Ricard re-affirmed their commitment to raising awareness about the damaging effects of binge drinking among students. The cooperation between the two organisations started five years ago, when the Responsible Party programme was co-developed. It uses student ambassadors, gadgets and games to spread the message of responsible drinking during parties in a fun and engaging way. Alcohol abuse, especially binge drinking, has adverse effects on the development of cognitive capacities as well as a myriad of other negative health effects. With the 5th anniversary of the cooperation, the partnership was renewed by Alexandre Ricard, chairman and CEO of Pernod Ricard, and Stefan Jahnke, President of ESN.

• ESN at ESAA Kick-off Conference
On the 12th of June the Erasmus+ Student and Alumni Association organised its kick-of conference in Brussels, where ESN members were also present. ESAA is a new platform whose purpose is to enhance cooperation between its members and to help their future development, while promoting European higher education and creating new partnerships around the world.

Erasmus Student Network AISBL
Rue Hydraulique/Waterkrachtstraat, 15
B1210, Brussels, Belgium
Tel.: +32 2 256 74 27

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