English version

European Green Leaf e European Green Capital Award

Data: 28/07/2015

Two environmental competitions open to European Cities

The European Green Leaf is a competition open to cities with population of between 20,000 and 100,000. It recognises success in achieving green growth, and is awarded to cities that bring green living concepts to life. European Green Leaf cities act as ambassadors to encourage others to follow their example. The competition is open now for its second cycle. More information on how to apply can be found here.

The European Green Capital Award is given to cities with population over 100,000, which demonstrate a wellestablished record of achieving high environmental standards and commit to ongoing and ambitious goals for future environmental improvement and sustainable development. The European Green Capital winners also act as role models to inspire and promote best practices to other European cities. The European Green Capital Award 2018 is now open for applications. More information on how to apply can be found here.

Deadline for both competitions: 19/10/2015.

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