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Data: 15/10/2015

INCLUSIVE GROWTH: Integrating in society those at risk of social exclusion
• "Diritti a scuola" - Puglia (Italy)

Based on a mixed approach of education and social care, this project significantly reduced early school leaving in the region. The project provided counselling, educational guidance and intercultural mediation, benefiting both students and their families. The percentage of 15 year old students with limited reading capacities was reduced to 16.7% in 2012, which is below the national target of 20 %. At the same time, the early school-leaving rate decreased from 30.3% in 2003 to 19.9% in 2013. In total, over 50,000 students and 10,000 families benefitted from the programme which gave them a new chance at a bright future.

"CityStar" - Transforming cities for future challenges
• "Eurocity of Chaves-Verin" -Galicia (Spain) and North Portugal (Portugal)

The cities of Chaves and Verín joined forces to create a "Eurocity" through a common offer of municipal services and facilities, including joint cultural events, commerce, sports, leisure and tourism activities and the promotion of entrepreneurship. The project demonstrates that institutional, economic, social, cultural integration of two cross-border cities is possible and brings real benefits in terms of cost-saving, higher efficiency and a more diverse offer in municipal services for its citizens.

More information:
RegioStars 2015 Awards
RegioStars 2015 - videos about the winning projects
• Twitter:@EU_Regional @EU_Social @CorinaCretuEU #RegioStars
European Social Fund

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Check out the 3 winning entries of the 2015 edition of the Europe in My Region photo competition!

The 4th edition of the photo competition "Europe in my Region" organised on the European Commission's Facebook page during the summer has seen the participation of a record number of 33 countries: 26 EU Member States and 7 pre-accession countries submitted more than 500 photos. Participants had to submit a photo of an EU co-funded project with evidence of the EU support on the photo. An independent jury of photographers and social media experts has chosen the 3 (equal) winners, which can be seen here.

More info.

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