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Campi di volontariato. Speciale Germania

Data: 25/03/2016

Fra le mete europee, la Germania è una di quelle preferite dai nostri volontari.

Il paese offre centinaia di progetti diversi, per tutti i gusti, in primavera ed estate e per tutte le età.

Di seguito vi proponiamo solo alcuni di questi progetti, ricordandovi che nel database online trovate migliaia di opportunità in Germania e nel mondo.

Si va dal lavoro nelle aree protette, al corso di lingua tedesca, al corso per videomaker, alla ristrutturazione di un parco giochi, e tanto altro...

Buona lettura!

IJGD 16209 - WORKING IN THE OBERHARZ FOREST - SCHULENBERG/HARZ - Dal 16/07 al 06/08 - Età 16-26
Harz, with its mountains, stalactite caves, mining museums and forests is a very popular place for excursions and relaxation. Here you’ll dedicate your time and commitment to helping with the conservation and environmental work on maintaining habitats for (rare) plants and animals. Together with experienced foresters, your group with take care of biotopes and forest stands, you’ll build veterinary fences. Full description and application form.

IJGD 16222 - MY VERY OWN FILM! FILM WORKSHOP IN BREMEN - Dal 02/07 al 16/07 - Età 16-26
Make your own films! That’s what you can try out in this international media camp. “Learning by doing” is the way forward, and in small groups you can do this by gathering and experimenting with new ideas. After an introduction to the technology involved, you can develop a storyline and get the cameras ready to dive straight into filming - Previsto extra fee. Full description and application form.

PRO-16-16 - MARBURG NATURFREUNDEHAUS - Dal 07/08 al 19/08 - Età 16-26
Main work will be in the forest, as maintenance of young stands, field mapping of new trees, planting of rare trees, searching and marking of habitat trees, waters care. Participants will also be doing various manual works to prepare the area around the house of the nature-friends. Full description and application form.

IBG 15 - ROTTENBURG-WEILER (BADEN-WUERTTEMBERG) - Dal 10/07 al 23/07 - Età 18+
The playground of a local kindergarten needs to be re-done Professionals will instruct volunteers during the work and the aim is to finish the whole playground within the two weeks. Full description and application form.

VJF 3.4 - BERLIN MAXIM - Dal 11/07 al 30/07 - Età 18-26
During the first week you will help to prepare and run an international drumming festival for children, youngsters and families called aeurooeRAKATAK". It will be run on the 17th of July. Another task of this project will take place during the 2nd week in the youth club euro e Maxima euro. Your help will be needed to renovate and maintain the building and its surrounding grounds, like painting inside or outside. Full description and application form.

Questi sono soltanto una piccolissima parte degli quasi 200 campi di volontariato che i nostri partner organizzano in Germania. Per cercare quelli che più vi interessano in base al periodo, all'argomento e alla vostra età, consultate il database online e buon campo a tutti!

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