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RegioFlash: latest news about EU Regional Policy

Data: 06/06/2016

RegioFlash: Regional Policy

News: 06 June 2016

• Commission helps regions join forces to invest in industrial modernisation

During last week's Smart Regions conference, the European Commission launched the Smart Specialisation Platform for Industrial Modernisation. This new initiative offers hands-on support to regions to foster interregional cooperation based on matching smart specialisation priorities related to industrial modernisation - such as Key Enabling Technologies, service innovation or resource efficiency. It will be hosted by the European Commission's Smart Specialisation Platform located in Seville. The aim of this initiative is to create an investment pipeline of mature projects in new growth areas across the EU, by providing tailored advice and helping regions establish links with the business and research communities. The platform could help regions develop or share infrastructure such as testing facilities, pilot plants, data centres, and Fab-Labs. Particular support will be given to regions to combine different EU investment instruments, such as the European Structural and Investment (ESI) Funds, COSME, Horizon2020 and the European Fund for Strategic Investments (EFSI), the heart of the Investment Plan.
Smart specialisation is an innovative approach promoting efficient and targeted use of public investment in research and innovation to enable countries and regions to capitalize on their strengths and create new competitive advantages. National and regional smart specialisation strategies serve as compasses for ESI Funds investments in research and innovation. 135 regions indicated industrial modernisation-related priorities as one of their key investment areas under smart specialisation, thus highlighting the enormous potential for joint projects. The first thematic Smart Specialisation Platform was set up in 2015 to foster interregional cooperation in the field of energy. Another thematic platform on agri-food will be launched today; others will be established in the near future. The Platforms, managed by the European Commission's Joint Research Centre, provide expertise, advice and networking opportunities through workshops and seminars.

Press Release
@CorinaCretuEU; @EBienkowskaEU; @TNavracsicsEU; #InvestEU.

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• Simplification’s strongman
In an exclusive preview of the next issue of Panorama magazine we present an interview with former Commission Vice-President Siim Kallas, chairperson of the High Level Group on Simplification. To achieve better results and promote more beneficiary-friendly procedures, the European Commission is focusing on maximising the potential for simplification in 2014-20. To help with this ambitious task, a High Level Group of independent experts was set up by the Commission last July to monitor simplification for beneficiaries of European Structural and Investments Funds (ESIF). Here Siim Kallas, the chairperson of this High Level Group, gives an update on the group's progress.

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