English version

Human Rights Day

Data: 09/12/2016

Human Rights Day

Dear friends:

This December 10th, Human Rights Day, we want to draw your attention to the big work that still needs to be done to continue moving forward. While the last reports show a rise in Islamophobia in the West, and xenophobic political parties grow in popularity in Europe, society attends puzzled to the daily violation of human rights and the rejection of the refugees who try to reach our continent, escaping from war, misery and violence.

For this reason, last year, the Islamic Culture Foundation launched the website “Twistislamophobia, diversity adds” (www.twistislamophobia.org). Through this website, we aim at fighting islamophobia, racism and prejudices towards the Muslim population, by providing objective and comprehensive information about Islam and the Muslim population, their history and legacy.

Through our news we share experiences on the reality Muslims are living today, we provide tools to react and defend oneself against Islamophobia, we teach about Islam and the legacy of the Islamic civilization, and we support different initiatives through our net of collaborators, among many other activities.

In FUNCI we are going to continue putting all our efforts in the fight against Islamophobia and the prejudices surrounding Islam. We encourage you to follow and spread our website, because, as the famous Arab proverb says “one hand cannot clap”.

Thank you for all your support,

The FUNCI Team


Islamic Culture Foundation
C/ Guzmán el Bueno, 3 - 2º dcha
28015 Madrid
Tel: 91 543 46 73

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