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Winter School in Germania, Portogallo, Regno Unito - Scadenze: varie

Data: 01/12/2017

Questa settimana Eurocultura segnala alcune Winter School (le Summer School invernali!) occasioni per aggiornarsi su temi di interesse intellettuale, sociale, personale, ecc. e per incontrare docenti di altissimo livello, impegnati nelle ricerche più attuali. Eurocultura ricorda che di solito la scadenza per iscriversi cade molti mesi prima dello svolgimento. Eurocultura da le segnalazioni secondo le date di scadenza per iscriversi.

Eurocultura oggi segnala:

• 8 January - 1 February 2018:
Introduction to 3D-Scanning and Printing. Germany, Berlin. Credits 5 ECTS. Fee EUR 2200. Hosted in the fully-equipped 3D Lab of the TU Berlin, this four-week course offers an introduction to working with professional 3D printing technologies – such as laser sintering w... Scadenza: 8 December 2017.

• 8 January - 2 February 2018: Startup Crash Course: From Idea to Reality. Germany, Berlin. Credits 5 ECTS. Fee EUR 1850. This course is intended to offer real knowledge of how to go about launching a startup. It will have three main parts: the structured approach, communication and real-time experime... Scadenza: 8 December 2017.

• 2 - 6 January 2018: MidWinter Composers Course. United Kingdom, Oxford. Credits 10 ECTS. Fee EUR 0. Treat yourself to a gigantic creative boost with this intensive five-day course with a track record for taking composers onto an entirely new level, giving them the technical capac.... Scadenza: 15 December 2017.

• 3 - 21 January 2018: Cross Cultural Communication and Negotiation. Portugal, Lisbon. Credits 6 ECTS. Fee EUR 1150. Integrated within the Winter School Lisbon 2018 project, this programme is designed to introduce the participants to the management of cross-cultural differences and leadership in... Scadenza: 21 December 2017.

Fonte: Eurocultura.

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