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Winter School in Danimarca, Paesi Bassi, Repubblica Ceca, Turchia - Scadenze: varie

Data: 08/12/2017

Questa settimana Eurocultura segnala alcune Winter School (le Summer School invernali!) occasioni per aggiornarsi su temi di interesse intellettuale, sociale, personale, ecc. e per incontrare docenti di altissimo livello, impegnati nelle ricerche più attuali. Eurocultura ricorda che di solito la scadenza per iscriversi cade molti mesi prima dello svolgimento. Eurocultura da le segnalazioni secondo le date di scadenza per iscriversi.

Eurocultura oggi segnala:

• 29 January - 9 February 2018:
Winter School in Nordic Fashion Design. Denmark, Herning. Through inspiration and excursions VIA Design will introduce you to the main aspects of Scandinavian Fashion Design. Case studies, lectures and hands on projects will guide you thr... Scadenza: 15 December 2017.

• 29 - 30 January 2018: Uncertainty, Disagreement, and Conflict. Netherlands, Groningen. Fee EUR 40. What makes economic and political institutions just, legitimate, or otherwise desirable? What ethical criteria should we use to evaluate the results of public policy? Conversely, g... Scadenza: 15 December 2017.

• 21 January - 3 February 2018: Central Europe: History & Culture – Architecture & Society. Czech Republic, Olomouc. Credits 3 ECTS. Fee EUR 600. In two very comprehensive weeks, you will become familiar with the history, culture, architecture, and the society of Central Europe. Are you looking for an educational experience... Scadenza: 15 December 2017.

• 13 - 27 January 2018: Multiculturalism and Diversity. Turkey, Istanbul. Credits 3 ECTS. Fee USD 690. Contemporary society is characterized by diversity, including racial, religious, cultural, and linguistic diversity. The aim of the course is twofold: (1) to examine varying forms... Scadenza: 15 December 2017.

• 13 - 27 January 2018: Leadership & Innovation. Turkey, Istanbul. Credits 3 ECTS. Fee USD 690. Students in this course will develop a leadership kit to use throughout their careers, in fields ranging from business and education to government. Students will learn and apply l... Scadenza: 15 December 2017.

Fonte: Eurocultura.

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