English version


Data: 31/07/2008

The next Youth Express Network activity will be “ROADS OF DIALOGUE” an evaluation meeting of the different activities we realized in the frame of the European Year of Intercultural Dialogue.

During these different projects, some specific tools concerning intercultural learning have been used or created. Each project has gone its own “Road of Dialogue”. In this evaluation meeting, we would like to explore these different “Roads of Dialogue”, compare the different learning materials and their transferability.

The main aim of this activity is to get inspired from local or international experiences and initiatives to create new strategies and tools promoting intercultural dialogue in order to offer solutions and innovative ideas to European countries, Eastern Europe countries, Balkan countries and Caucasus countries, all threatened by identical fears.

The objectives of this activity are:

- to evaluate the different international projects that Youth Express Network has developed in 2007-2008 and confront the different experiences of the team members and participants

- to measure the impact of these projects on the team members, participants and local communities

- to exchange good practices and methods (such as Forum Theater, simulation games, outdoor education, arts)

- to define w her e to put efforts in order to better promote Intercultural Dialogue in a way to make it attractive, to find answers to racist and xenophobic tendencies which appear more and more in Europe, in the Balkans, in Eastern Europe and Caucasus.

This activity will take place from 14th to 21st of September in MOLLINA, Spain , as part of the 9th Summer University on Youth and Development of the North South Center of the Council of Europe.

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