English version

008. S. V. E. in Bosnia Herzegovina - Children with special needs

Data: 20/01/2010

NR.: 8

DATA: 20.01.2010


RICHIESTA PROVENIENTE DA: Asocijacija Graditelji Mira (Bosnia Herzegovina)

TIPOLOGIA: S. V. E. in Bosnia Herzegovina

ARGOMENTO: Working with children with special needs


Coordinating organization: Association Builders of Peace; Host organization: Centre for Children and youth with special needs “Los Rosales” Mostar.
Number of volunteers: 4
Duration: 9-12 months
Venue: Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Description of duties: Volunteer would be assisting the staff in providing services to children with special needs and managing activities in the centre. Depending on the profile of the volunteer the volunteer would plan an implement activities for children within the competencies of the volunteer.
Profile of volunteer: It would be desired if the volunteer would have experience in working with children with special needs. Different profiles would be of use to the children and youth of the Centre “Los Rosales”: clinical psychologist, cook, carpenter, sculptor, painter, actor, musician, sporty. It would be desirable for the volunteer to have certain experience in different arts: playing a musical instrument, painting, acting, possesses good organizational skills for preparation of events for children, organizing sports activities, choir....

SCADENZA: April 2010

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