English version

001. Intergenerational volunteering for social inclusion - Partners search

Data: 06/02/2010

NR.: 1

DATA: 06.02.2010


RICHIESTA PROVENIENTE DA: "Informagiovani" di Palermo

TIPOLOGIA: Europe for citizens - Partners search

ARGOMENTO: Intergenerational volunteering for social inclusion.


The association "Informagiovani" (YouthInformation) based in Palermo, Italy is going to submit an application to the next Europe for Citizens programme deadline. The project proposal aim to promote local and international volunteering as a tool for social inclusion of disadvantaged or marginalized citizens. The project will be run in Cooperation with the Centre for social services of the Department for Juvenile Justice of the Italian ministry of justice and with the support of other public authorities dealing with social policies and services. The project should involve at least 20 organizations from at least 15 different countries (only the 27 EU countries plus Albania, Croatia and FYRO Macedonia are eligible). If your organization is interested and if you fulfill at least two of the following criteria, please contact us, no later than the 9th of February.
• having previously managed European grants (Youth in Action or Europe for Citizens or other programs)
• willing to organize in your local community an international voluntary project, where a group of 10 international volunteers can run some socially useful activity for a period of 10-12 days
• able to prepare and send a group of two-three volunteers in projects abroad, being them from socially disadvantaged or marginalized groups (immigrants, early school leavers, ethnics or cultural minorities, disable, young offenders, etc)
Please note that the activities foreseen are not youth exchanges but voluntary projects with no age limit. Financial conditions for the participation in the different activities of the project will be provided to those who will contact us.

SCADENZA: 9th of February 2010

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