English version

011. The immigrant families and their integration the society and education

Data: 15/02/2010

NR.: 11

DATA: 15.02.2010



TIPOLOGIA: Grundtvig project

ARGOMENTO: The immigrant families and their integration the society and education


Antalya Guidance and Research Centre is applying a project about the immigrant families and their integration to the society and education of these families Deadline 19th February We are urgently looking for partner organizations. We re looking for Guidance and research Centers Municipalities NGO's schools and Education organisations working with Immigrants families
Summary of The project :Training Immigrant Families Project aims to help families who migrated to Antalya to adapt to the city, to develop problem-solving skills for the problems they faced after migration, to participate the educational process actively and consciously. The objectives of the Project are,to determine immigrant families at selected schools and support their adaptation to the city by training them,to inform them about social rights and organizations and institutions that they can benefit,To help families to improve positive parental skills by trainings will be delivered,To help families to improve their awareness about education activities and educational process and contribute to develop positive attitudes towards education,To help adults to develop skills about exprressing themselves and solving their problems. Trainings will be delivered are expected to help solving adaptation problems of immigrant families’ children to school and to increase their participation to education activities. In the lights of these aims and objectives, the Project will be achieved by examining practices and applications in Europe and combining them with the applications in Turkey. Thus, different perspectives and applications about immigration, which is an important issue of Europe, will be shared. Because Antalya takes both internal and external immigration. During the Project, for providing the active participation of families will be cooperated with local governments and schools. Project target groups are, immigrant families with the children between the ages 7-19, guidance teachers and counselors working at the chosen primary and secondary schools. The methods will be used in activities for the target groups and partners including, visiting different institutions, workshops, creative drama

SCADENZA: 19th of February 2010

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