English version

036. S.V.E.in Lituania

Data: 10/03/2010

NR.: 36

DATA: 10.03.2010


RICHIESTA PROVENIENTE DA: Actio Catolica Patria (Lituania)




We have a lot of EVS hosting places propositions for u and for your volunteers. All the projects start at 1st of October 2010 and last at least 8 months. We are waiting for your CV and filled questionaire until 16th of March 2010. The selection process will take part from 17th to 22nd of March, so by that time you will get our decision.The voluntary service will be in Lithuania, Kaunas (coordinated by PI A.C.Patria).
Language and communication: as you might have heard – Lithuanian is a hard language to learn. So, it’s totally true. All the volunteers coordinated by A.C.Patria get 50 hours of professional language course in one of the best language schools in Lithuania. The volunteers say (especially from the South) that it’s tongue braking. But the ones who keep on trying always succeed. Knowing Lithuanian is really helpful here. It’s not about that local people don’t know English, most of them are a bit afraid to use it so they prefer Lithuanian (or Russian). The youngsters are easier to make a contact with, cause they are handling English quite well, it’s different with older generations. Sometimes it’s a challenge to get around in projects because of the language barriers.
Accomodation and meals: volunteers live all together in rented apartments all over Kaunas for two or three persons (each gets a separate room). The flats that are situated in a city center are usually in a little worse condition that the ones that are out of the center (all the flats are rented from private persons). In some projects there is a possibility to live very close or even in the hosting organization (if they have any accommodation facilities). For some volunteers it is a challenge to live in a room which is crossed-by. Not all of the rooms are like that (or not all flats have rooms like that). But this is relict from Soviet Union times. There are so many tenement houses projected like that so sometimes it’s hard to get a flat with separate rooms. How do volunteers manage their lives in the flats is only up to them. The only thing is asked – to keep it clean.
Local means of transport: the volunteers are provided with a monthly ticket for Kaunas local means of transport (busses and trolley-busses, not for micro-busses). The tickets are being “refilled” by internet, so all you have to do is use it. The local transport is quite good to get around all over Kaunas. Also getting to hosting organizations is quicker.
The project: this project is a group project, which means there are around 10 volunteer’s group coming to A.C.Patria (usually they are spread to hosting organizations by pairs, but there are some projects
where volunteers does an individual EVS). Every year there are from 20 to 30 EVS volunteers coming to Kaunas. All around Lithuania you could find around 100 volunteers. Furthermore, since Kaunas has 4 universities, there are many Erasmus students spread all over the town. How to meet all of them? A.C.Patria volunteers will be the first to meet, you’ll get around Kaunas all together. Other volunteers you will meet in trainings organized by Lithuanian National Agency.And getting around the local events is the best possibility to meet other foreigners here.
There is the list of the hosting organizations that are coordinated by A.C.Patria.

SCADENZA: 16th of March 2010

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