English version

020. Seminars for Project Management and Planning of European Projects

Data: 23/03/2010

NR.: 20

DATA: 23.03.2010

TITOLO PROGETTO: Seminars for Project Management and Planning of European Projects

RICHIESTA PROVENIENTE DA: Alina Gourgioti (Grecia)

TIPOLOGIA: Comenius Project – 2 Seminars



Further to your involvement in European projects, e-ISOTIS in cooperation with a training consultancy company are pleased to inform you that we organize the following two unique training courses in Athens that can be funded 100% (Travel, Accommodation, meals, training course and material) by the Grundtvig/Comenius National Agency in your country and advance your skills in project management and exploiting EU funds. For seminars taking place any time between 1st September 2010 and 31st December 2010.
The application process is straight forward but you need to act now!
1. The outline of both courses follows below as well as the steps for receiving funding from the Grundtvig/Comenius Agency of your country. We give also indicative impressions/quotes from trainees that attended already these two courses. The two seminars are the following:
1st Seminar: “Funding from the european union (eu) for educational and related activities”.
This seminar aims to provide advice on how to get informed about funding opportunities, how to prepare successful proposals and how to advance your proposal in order to achieve financial assistance from the EU. You will become familiar with good points and bad points in proposals based on real examples and become involved in teams on preparing critical sections in applications. You will experience yourself also with some free tools and hints that can boost considerably the project planning of projects you are involved.
2nd Seminar: “Efficient project management of european training and educational projects”.
The scope of this course is to teach such project management practices that ensure the achievement of high quality project results. You will become familiar on how to manage efficiently European projects and especially inLife Long Learning Programme, how to deal with deadlines and deliverables and how to manage your own staff as well as other partners that are part of the same European project. You will experience yourself also with some free tools and hints that can boost considerably the daily management of the European project you are involved.
Three simple steps for obtaining the grant:
- Contact your own National Agency to obtain a grant application form and to check the deadline for submitting your application. For seminars taking place any time between 1st September 2010 and 31st December 2010, you need to apply till 30th April 2010 , therefore, you need to submit your application very soon. You can contact for details the National Agency.
- Once you have selected the available days to attend our training event, contact us and provide your contact data and the seminar dates you wish to attend for allowing us checking availability and sending you the confirmation of your provisional registration that you need to enclose in your grant application form at your National Agency.
- Send your grant application form to your National Agency and the confirmation of your provisional registration before 30th April 2010.
Your National Agency will inform you if you have been awarded a grant and you should inform us immediately. In general, there are very good chances of receiving the grant! Please don’t forget that it is a straight forward process for getting full financial support to attend these seminars but you need to act very soon! We are looking forward to hearing from you and we remain at your disposal in case you have any further enquiries.

SCADENZA: 30th of April 2010

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