English version

040. “Bicycle Project” - Scambio

Data: 28/01/2011

NR.: 40

DATA: 28.01.2011

TITOLO PROGETTO: “Bicycle Project”

RICHIESTA PROVENIENTE DA: Muratcan Isildak (Turchia)

TIPOLOGIA: Gioventù – Scambio

ARGOMENTO: Cultural dialogues


About the Project:
Our Project is making a serious organization to provide people know the first population center (Van /Turkey) and to share this beauty from the post in a atmosphere of toleration by demolishing the prejudice among youngs who grew up in different cultures. Doubtless, the history has a great importance on the formation of identity. Our goal is to provide cultural dialogues by working together on the city remains of Van which is really important joint heritage from the past. We intent to point this cultural wealth with this cultural vision in our project basis. Also we intended to attract attention to cultural values and historical monuments which lost, on the other hand protected for not losing in our day. We all youngs which are from all EU but shared the same world and will see our environmental and historical places in formalizing.
Recognition of cultures: The joiners will introduce own their cultures with presentations, talent shows, anecdotes to know each other.
Group Table Workings: Will be hardened own their informations of the joiners by producing joint ideas about the project will determine whether or not Van’s history has similarities with EU history will make group table workings for how we can make people know this joint heritage.
Outside activities: will have more certain informations about Van by investigating … on the places.
Social activities: will be maked activities to provide warm dialogues among groups because of the joiners who are from different cultures and different places and because of opinions and workings which will produce in adaptation at group workings. In our project the pictures of historical places in Van will be visiting with our bikes and then go further to and workshops will be held about bike paths At last we will open the road which is surrounding the Van Lake in order to attract attention to our project by the help of cultural nights. We will obtain information about cultures more profound and the Turkish culture by tours and activities in Van.


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