English version

086. “Open your doors trough outdoors II.” - Training course

Data: 15/03/2011

NR.: 86

DATA: 15.03.2011

TITOLO PROGETTO: “Open your doors trough outdoors II.”

RICHIESTA PROVENIENTE DA: Kriszta Gyöngyösi (Ungheria)

TIPOLOGIA: Gioventù - Training course

ARGOMENTO: Improving trainer skills


Activity date: 17th – 26th of April 2011.
Venue place, venue country: Galyateto, Hungary.
Aim our 10 days programme to offer for 12 junior trainers a 5 days outdoor kidscamp to run with guided facilitation, the first part of the training is preparation, the last part is evaluation in the mid the kidscamp should be run.
Target group:
Project managers, Youth leaders, Youth workers orphan kids and kids aged between 12-18 from HU+RO+SL+CZ.
For participants from:
Youth in Action programme countries.
Group size: 12 participants.
We are happy to inform you that with the support of the Visegrad Fund, we have a precious opportunity to organize the 2. edition of the previously held „Open Your Doors” training for trainers program. This time the focus will be on improving, mentoring and immediately implementing your trainer skills in fascinating real life situations.
The general aim of the program has 2 dimensions:
1. To help socially unprivileged youth people to get integrated into the society with improved social skills.
2. To further develop your trainer skills, through mentoring, immediate practice and constructive feedbacks.
The fundamental new element in this program is that this time we/you will work with our new partners: orphanages and children's homes from 4 different countries. About 20 children between the age of 12-18 years will come from these institutions. Some of the kids are difficult to handle, some are super vital and fun, and all of them are unique and hungry for your love. Imagine 20 lovely kids full of vitality, waiting for you to get immersed into fun, laughter, joy, challenges, tears, while learning and evolving together with you, through your contribution.
There are 3 major parts of the Programme:
1. Introduction and Input (1-3. days): Participants and trainers arrive, and spend 3 intensive days together with planning the main part, setting personal goals, practicing experiential activities and methods. At this part we will have the opportunity to share with each other best practices, and new innovative ideas. We create a safe learning environment where, everyone can set his/her own level of challenge with an action plan, while being supported by a professional community.
2. Implementation/Main part (4-8. days): After our guest children (20 person) arrive, participants will plan, run and evaluate their own activities, in real life situation while receiving feedback from the group and their advanced trainers.
3. Harvesting (9-10. days): Debrief, Reflection and further Plans.
80 EUR participation fee + 30 % travel cost; 70% of travel cost covered, accomodation + food + programme covered
Working language: English.

SCADENZA: 25th of March 2011

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