English version

Culture Programme Infoday

Data: 04/05/2011

Register now to attend the Culture Programme Infoday 30 May in Brussels!

Don't miss the opportunity to speak to key players from the Culture Programme and with participants implementing projects; you will get advice on how to prepare an application for your culture project.

The Culture Programme Infoday will also provide you with information on the coming calls for proposals, as well as tips and practical advice on how to prepare proposals.

Main features of the 2011 Infoday:

• Coordinators of projects share their experiences and give practical advice on the preparation and submission of proposals;
• Interactivity: remote participation via advanced live web transmission and chat, and online partner search tool.

You can find more information onthe website of the European Commission.

Sito web: http://eacea.ec.europa.eu/culture/events/infoday_culture_2011_en.php

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