English version

Regions for Economic Change, fostering smart and sustainable growth in cities and regions

Data: 23/06/2011

Regions for Economic Change, fostering smart and sustainable growth in cities and regions, 23/24 June

Live Webstreaming Programme (Brussels, 23-24 June)

Tools and networks for smart and sustainable cities and regions will be at the heart of this year's Regions for Economic Change Conference, the annual meeting point of Europe's Structural Funds managers. Participants will have the opportunity to learn and discuss about examples of excellent regional initiatives driving Europe's transformation towards a knowledge-based and green economy.

They will also discuss about 'smart specialisation', a concept embraced as crucial for Structural Funds programming and implementation by the recent Communications on the Innovation Union and on Regional Policy contributing to smart growth in Europe 2020. In this context it will see the launch of a 'Smart Specialisation Platform', a new facility to assist regions with the strategic intelligence needed to assess their innovation-related strengths and weaknesses and develop smart regional specialisation strategies to harness their competitive advantage.

Another focal point for the discussions at this year's conference will be dedicated to the second pillar of Europe 2020, i.e. the transition to a resource efficient and low-carbon economy, following-up on the recent communication on Regional Policy contributing to sustainable growth in Europe 2020.

The conference will also welcome some new stars on the firmament of regional development with the RegioStars Awards 2011. Regional Policy Commissioner Johannes Hahn will present these awards to the best finalists, chosen under the headings of "economic competitiveness", "low carbon economy" (CityStars) and "information and communication". These innovative, inspiring and exemplary projects have the potential to serve as role models and good practices for other regions and demonstrate the type of future-oriented, value-added investments undertaken by EU Regional Policy.

The Future begins now! Save the date! : Full conference outline and tentative programme

Pl. note: Registration for this conference will be open beginning of April. The main conference language will be English. Interpretation has been requested for French, German, Italian, Spanish and Dutch. Other languages may be added.

Sito web: http://ec.europa.eu/regional_policy/conferences/smart_sustainable/home_en.cfm

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