English version

189. “Humanity in Action conference” - Conference

Data: 19/07/2011

NR.: 189

DATA: 19.07.2011

TITOLO PROGETTO: “Humanity in Action conference”

RICHIESTA PROVENIENTE DA: British Red Cross (Regno Unito)

TIPOLOGIA: Gioventù - Conference

ARGOMENTO: Migration and conflict


Activity date: 06th of October 2011.
Venue place, venue country: London, UK, United Kingdom.
The British Red Cross is hosting a free conference on migration and conflict. Come and explore with us and other European Red Cross National Societies our creative approaches to working with young people on these issues.
Target group: Trainers, Youth leaders, Youth Policy Makers, Youth workers, Teachers.
For participants from: Youth in Action Programme Countries, Neighbouring Partner Countries, others.
Group size: 180 participants.
A joint conference on migration and conflict from Positive Images and Justice and Fairness. To celebrate the conclusion of two successful international educational programmes, the British Red Cross will be hosting a free three-day conference on migration and conflict. Come and explore with us and our partners our creative approaches to working with young people on these issues. The conference will be of interest to education practitioners, organisations active in the fields of migration and conflict as well as Red Cross National Societies. Enable young people to make sense of migration and conflict. Hear stories from experts in the field, and participate in discussions and activities. The day will be of interest to teachers, education practitioners and organisations in the field of migration and conflict.
The Humanity in Action conference is free of charge to ensure that it is accessible as many people as possible. Financial assistance for travel and accomodation costs is available to practising teachers and youth workers to support attendance on 6 October. Please apply early by completing the relevant section in the registration form.
Working language: English.

SCADENZA: 30th of September 2011.

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