English version

011. “Internationalisation, Cultural Immersion And Global Communication For Educators” - Training Course

Data: 05/09/2011

NR.: 11

DATA: 05.09.2011

TITOLO PROGETTO: “Internationalisation, Cultural Immersion And Global Communication For Educators”

RICHIESTA PROVENIENTE DA: Leeds Language College (Regno Unito)

TIPOLOGIA: Training Course

ARGOMENTO: Cultural and communication training


Course starting January to June 2012.
Internationalisation, cultural immersion and global communication for educatorsis a course aimed at professionals employed in the field of education. The course provides in-depth linguistic, cultural and communication training and immerses educators from culturally and ethnically homogeneous environments in a multi-cultural setting. It is an ‘International Learning Experience’ designed to improve their cross-cultural communication skills, empathy, objectivity and coping strategies necessary for inclusive work in multicultural contexts or when managing the inclusion of ethnic minority students. Most importantly the course is intended to break down barriers or prejudices resulting from lack of cross-cultural exposure or understanding. The active language mastery for international communication, cultural immersion networking project and global communication sessions will focus on activating communicative skills; and helping course participants to develop and activate their cultural sensitivity, awareness and knowledge. Course participants will be engaged in study, discussions and project work with adult learners from a variety of linguistic, religious, cultural, social, ethnic and national backgrounds. In the cultural immersion, project and networking sessions course participants will be taken on field trips. These sessions will immerse them in local culture in a meaningful context. It is also a simulation of an international project group, which in real-life would include people of different background and linguistic ability. Course participants will be expected to cooperate and complete tasks together. The global communication sessions are intended to create an awareness and understanding of the cultural, educational, and socio-political issues affecting learners and educators globally. These sessions encourage cross-cultural tolerance, discussion and mutual respect among educators of different cultural background.

SCADENZA: September 2011

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