English version

293. “EUROPEER TC in Luxembourg” - Training course

Data: 20/10/2011

NR.: 293

DATA: 20.10.2011


RICHIESTA PROVENIENTE DA: Jackie Zanussi (Lussemburgo)

TIPOLOGIA: Gioventù - Training course

ARGOMENTO: Youngsters inform on Europe


Activity date: 14th-18th of March 2012.
Venue place, venue country: Mondorf-les-Bains, Luxembourg.
TC aimed to train youngsters on how to inform their peers on the YOUTH IN ACTION programme as well as on other EU-Mobility programmes. During the TC the young people learn how organise presentations, workshops, exhibitions, etc.
Target group: Young people.
For participants from: Youth in Action Programme Countries.
Group size: 30 participants.
EuroPeers are young people who have been active in the frame of the EU's YOUTH IN ACTION progamme and who are motivated to transmit their experience to other youngsters. EuroPeers visit schools, youth clubs, youth information centres, public spaces, etc. in order to meet and contact their peers and share their European experiences with them. They inform on YOUTH IN ACTION and on other mobility programmes. They run workshops, visit schools, organise exhibitions, etc. around the topic EUROPE. The EUROPEER TC aims at providing the participants with information, methods and tools that allow them to transmit the information to their peers. Moreover this, the participants will get to know to other EuroPeers, which will allow them to cooperate in a network.
Criteria for application/selection:
• having participated in at least one of the following activities in the frame of YOUTH IN ACTION: EVS, youth exchange, youth initiative, youth democracy project;
• being motivated to actively promote the YOUTH IN ACTION programme;
• having good German language skills (understanding and speaking).
All hosting costs will be covered by Luxembourg's NA for the YOUTH IN ACTION programme. All travel fees are supposed to be covered by the NAs that are willing to send participants.
Visa costs are also supposed to be covered by the sending NAs.
Sending NAs will ask the participants to pay a participation fee according to their national rules.
Working language: German.

SCADENZA: 07th of January 2012.

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