English version

Long and short video clip about EDICs

Data: 16/11/2011

Di seguito trovate i link dei due video che sono stati lanciati durante l'AGM - Annual General Meeting, riunuine annuale dei Centri d’informazione della Rete “Europe Direct”, che si è tenuta a Malta dal 7 al 10 novembre.

Description of the videos:

- "The Quest - Europe Direct Information Centres"

This is a promotional clip of about 1 minute, made in a catchy and intriguing style, depicting a young adult on a quest for information to reach his goals. He is guided on his way by the EDICs network which exists all over Europe and comes to his help at every difficult point he has to pass.

- "Best place to go for answers about Europe"

This is a documentary of about 4 minutes, presenting the different activities and added value of the EDIC. The film takes you to events organised by EDICs in different parts of Europe and features interviews with EDICs managers and citizens.

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