English version

001. “ECO TRAIN” - Training course

Data: 18/02/2012

NR.: 1

DATA: 18.02.2012

TITOLO PROGETTO: “ECO TRAIN - Experiential Learning and Opportunities for Training Sensory Impaired Adults on Sustainable Environmental Lifestyle”

RICHIESTA PROVENIENTE DA: Maria Mitovska (Bulgaria)

TIPOLOGIA: Gioventù - Training course

ARGOMENTO: Sustainable lifestyle and environmental protection


Activity date: 22nd – 29th of April 2012.
Venue place, venue country: Troyan, Beklemeto, Bulgaria.
ECO TRAIN is a Grundtvig workshop designed for sensory impaired adult learners and/or assistants/carers of such individuals with a special emphasis on sustainable lifestyle and environmental protection.
Target group: Young people, Youth leaders, EVS mentors/tutors, adult learners aged 18 +, outside the formal education system, suffering from sensory impairment or parents/assistants of such audience, having limited experience in sustainable practices and environmental protection, English language skills at intermedia.
For participants from: Youth in Action Programme Countries.
Group size: 20 participants.
The ECO TRAIN workshop is a mixture of theoretical input by lecturers and practical experiential learning adapted for the needs of sensory impaired adult learners. The training includes the following topics:
1. Introduction to climate change – science behind the phenomenon;
2. Sustainable Lifestyle and Energy Efficiency. A change in lifestyle – possible, necessary, fun;
3. How to decrease individual carbon footprint;
4. Bringing old goods to new life: workshop on 3 RE – Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
5. Experiential Learning – visit to an eco farm and demonstration of compost construction.
The expected outcomes of ECO TRAIN are:
• improved access to information on climate change and sustainable living for adults with sensory impairment;
• acquired new skills and habits for sustainable eco practice;
• realized importance of energy efficiency as well as the power of experiential learning in decreasing individual carbon print;
• intercultural learning, breaking stereotypes, encouraging tolerance and diversity in Europe;
• improved foreign language skills and communication in non-mother tongue for participants with sensory impairment;
• mobility opportunity for sensory impaired adult learners with special educational needs.
This workshop is financed by a Grundtvig grant of the Lifelong Learning program in Bulgaria. If selected to participate all your costs for travel, board and lodging, workshop expenses and insurance shall be covered by the Grundtvig grant from the workshop organizer - the Infinite Opportunities Association. The workshop organizer can introduce a deposit with its acceptance notification to cover the costs of no show of a selected participant. In case the selected participant arrives as agreed and attends the whole workshop fully, the deposit is returned at the end of the training.
Working language: English.

SCADENZA: 26th of February 2012.

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