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Opportunità di mercato - Cooperazione tecnologica: Offerte

Data: 18/09/2013

Opportunità di mercato

Cooperazione tecnologica:


• (POD Reference: 12 LV 58AD 3R07)
Latvian company has developed technology for production of specific building blocks from polymer concrete and a system for fast construction. The blocks are lighter than cement concrete analogues, but the production technology allows to utilise thermoplastic polymer waste fractions which are unsuited for recovery of clean polymer. The company seeks for industrial or research technical collaboration for further development of construction systems and implementation of the production technology.

(POD Reference: 11 SE 67CG 3MJU) SME from Northern Sweden has developed a unique new textile composite material that can be designed and produced as underwear. It gives you similar floating capacity as heavy float overalls. The textile is smooth, comfortable and effectively breathing out moisture. Different products have been tested with very good results. Applications are found in all activities where a risk of getting into the water is present (boating, fishing, snowmobile etc.).The company wants partners for implementation.

(POD Reference: 10 BG 0538 3K4B) Bulgarian company has provided its expertise in domain of energy effectiveness, renewable energy, energy saving buildings. The main advantages of the expertise are flexibility to adapt new technologies and products in domain of energy effectiveness. The company is looking for technical cooperation, monitoring of energy saving indicators and management, integration and exploitation of renewable energy sources, technologies, related with economic exploitation of conventional energy sources.

(POD Reference: 11 ES 27F3 3LVL) Spanish agro-food company is searching for partners to register its developed plant protection product based on garlic extract which has bactericide, fungicide and nematicide characteristics. The technology is based on the unique functions of biopolymers that act as a real physical barrier by denying pests and diseases access to the crop plants. The company is looking for partners interested in licensing, technical cooperation or other type of collaboration.

Per ulteriori richieste/offerte di cooperazione commerciale e/o tecnologica o ricerca partner per progetti di Ricerca&Sviluppo, consulta la sezione "Ricerca Partner" sul sito del Consorzio.

Per entrare in contatto con le aziende menzionate, contatta il partner BRIDG€conomies più vicino.

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