English version

altre informazioni

Data: 11/08/2014

Financial conditions

The training course is scheduled to take place from 28th of October – 5th of November 2014 in Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria. Financial support has been provided by the Bulgarian National Agency for the “Erasmus +” Program (Key Action 1). Therefore, with the approved budget the main organizer of this training course - Association “Active Bulgarian Society” is able to offer the following financial conditions:
• The travel costs from home town of the participants to the venue will be covered according to the new rules of the Erasmus+ program. (Please see the distance among your home town and Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria on the official EU Distance Calculator).
• Accommodation, food, local transports and all materials of the training course will be covered by the hosting NGO.
• The participants should arrange their own insurance for their travel and stay in Bulgaria.
• A participation fee of 40 Euros is required by each participant, payable at the venue.
Working language: English.

SCADENZA: 10th of September 2014.

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